Hau’oli Makahiki Hou 2025

As 2024 ends, I want to send a mahalo nui to all my customers, my ohana and my store accounts! I am grateful for your support and continued purchases of my blockprint artwork. My mission has always been to promote and perpetuate the Hawaiian culture in a pono and humble manner.

For 2025, I will be scaling back craft fair events and begin looking at semi retirement. I will be at the Kamehameha School Ho’olaule’a on March 1, the Swap meet in Kahului occasionally and I will also do the Maui Arts and Cultural Center Hawaiian concerts (Ki Ho’alu (Slack Key) Festival in June, Ukulele Festival in October and the Ho’onanea series). I may decide to participate in more 2025 craft fairs, so check back for details!

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou,


New Hula Wahine T-Shirt 2025

I have designed a new wahine Hula T-shirt for the 2025 Merrie Monarch Hula Festival which will be held at the end of April 2025 in Hilo on the Big Island! It is called Lei Po’o which means head lei with text that reads: “A’a i ka hula, waiho ka hilahila i ka hale”. Translation: “When one wants to dance the hula, bashfulness should be left at home”. This comfortable v-neck shirt comes in black and military green and as always, inventory is limited. Sizes: small – 2xlarge


New Nalu T-Shirt 2024!

I have a new mens t-shirt design which I created for the upcoming holiday season! It is my popular Nalu (Wave) blockprint design which is repeated in blue on the front of a mens t-shirt . My t-shirts are 100% lightweight cotton (4.2 ounce) and slim fit.

Below the design is a Hawaiian proverb: He ‘ale kua loloa no ka moana (A long-backed wave of the ocean). In Hawaiian culture, there is also the kaona, or poetic hidden meaning: A strong man who likens his back to the powerful waves.

You can purchase this and my other t-shirts at the upcoming Ukulele Festival, the Made in Maui Festival and the Na Makua Christmas show in Hilo.












New Hula Lehua T-shirt!

I have designed a new Hula/Lehua womens t-shirt for the upcoming 2024 Merrie Monarch Hula Festival!

My blockprint design is the Lehua blossom which is associated with the hula and Hopoe. Hopoe is both the name of the goddess Hi’iaka’s close friend and the description of a perfectly shaped Lehua blossom. Hopoe is credited with teaching the first hula to Hi’iaka. There are mentions in old stories of the lehua blossoms which sway to and fro in the wind and rain of Puna.

“Hopoe, ka Lehua ki’eki’e i luna”  –  Hopoe, the exalted Lehua on high.

New He’e Nalu T-Shirt

I have a new mens T-shirt design – He’e Nalu (surfboard)! It is an original blockprint carving which I turned into a digital design for t-shirts. I print all my mens t-shirts in a linear, front of the shirt design format (nothing on the back). Look for this new design at any of my in-person shows.

Centerpiece Mat is back!

Back by popular demand – my centerpiece mat! I have made the original blockprint art Ulu design on textured canvas. This time I am making it with a heat transfer method instead of hand printing. This insures your design will not fade. You can purchase this new product at one of my in-person shows.